JOB OVERVIEWTo understand how to look for a coveted position with the Federal government, it is important to know the components of a Federal job vacancy announcement otherwise sending your Federal government resume will be useless.When you visit USAJobs to search for viable Federal employment opportunities, the first page that will be shown for each position is the Job Overview. The overview will include pertinent details about the job so you can easily determine if this is a potential position you might be interested in. The Federal job overview will include facts such as:
- official job title;
- salary range for the position;
- the open period of time you can apply for the job;
- series and grade;
- potential for promotions;
- locations where you can find job vacancies;
- basic factors for consideration for the job posted; and
- a summary of the job that includes the basic duties required to fulfill the requirements of the position.
Carefully reviewing the Job Overview will tell give you enough information to determine if the position is an option that interests you, if you are qualified to apply for the job and how long you will be able to apply for the position. If you determine the Federal job posted is a good option you are ready to move on to the next component of the Federal job vacancy announcement.