When you are having fun and posting stories or photos on FaceBook or MySpace, you are usually only thinking of the present moment and the friends who will read your entries. However, when you start job hunting, you may regret what you put on your MySpace or FaceBook page.Although the internet has become a friendly media for many, you are still putting details out to the public that everyone can read. Unfortunately, someday “everyone” may be a potential employer who will search for additional details about you online. Imagine how embarrassed you would be if you applied for a lofty position with a conservative firm and your prospective employer discovered compromising details about you by doing a simple search of MySpace or FaceBook. Besides the embarrassment, you may also be left out when it comes getting the position you want.Your MySpace or FaceBook page should not contain any information that would come back to haunt you if viewed by a potential employer. There are many ways an employers determines your character and whether you would be a viable team player for their company. Having a racy or questionable presence online will make an employer think twice and could cost you the employment you want. After all, will your new boss really appreciate your “pimping” skills or how hot you are at the clubs? The boss will probably wonder about your level of commitment to the job.When you make entries on your MySpace or FaceBook page, remember you are putting this information out to millions of people. Make sure what you write really reflects the person you are in your resume and would not humiliate you or jeopardize your chances in a competitive job market.
When Job Hunting, What You Put on your FaceBook or MySpace Page May Come Back to Haunt You
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