by Scott Sestak, Staffing Excellence, Inc. While getting a foot in the door with a good resume is the first step, interviews are tough and stressful though there are many things you can do to prepare. You can make yourself look better than your competition by being prepared and get that employment opportunity!Interview “Do’s”:
- Do prepare for each interview well in advance. Check out the company’s website, know what they do and how big they are. Review the job posting and relate your experience to every line.
- Put together some good leading questions about the company, inviting the interviewer to talk. Get the interviewer to talk about themselves and their job.
- Dress up! Unless otherwise told, dress in a nice suit/nice professional outfit. Dress conservatively, longer skirts and conservative tops are a must. Wear comfortable clothes.
- Come up with some good short stories to tell about things you have done well/accomplished in your career. Practice these until they are second nature.
- Practice with your friends, role play, get comfortable talking about your experience.
- Choose your words very carefully and think through your answers. Also, be on your best behavior.
- Practice practice practice. Never turn down an interview even if you know you won’t take the job. It is great practice and may even lead to new contacts/ideas.
- Read a few books on body language and interviewing tips to become a professional interviewer.
Some people shoot themselves in the foot in an interview and some interviewers just can’t get over it. Below are just a few things NOT to say/do in your interview. And yes, candidate’s of mine have said/done these things over the years.Interview Don’ts:
- Do not say “I have other offers but, yours pays a lot more and that’s why I’m interested.”
- Do not say “I have demonstrated experience. Here, look at all of this…” Then proceed to hand over stacks of paper including old references, marketing plans, reports, misc papers etc. Do not offer any documents unless asked.
- Never bring a gun into an interview. Yes, someone came into my office one day and it fell out of their briefcase. Not good!
- Never walk around your interviewer’s desk and show them something on their own computer.
- When asked: Why did you leave your job? Do not say: “My old boss was a jerk and the company was going bankrupt.” Come up with some better answers.
- Turn your cell phone off. Never ever answer your cell phone during an interview and talk to the person calling!
- Do not chew gum. Do not touch anything on the interviewers desk or try to peek at anything.
- Do not preen your clothes, hair or fidget with a pen etc. Keep still and keep your hands/arms in an open confident position. Never cross your arms, stare or lean back like you’re in a lazyboy.
Be confident and smart with your answers. Think first and you will be just fine.Till next time. Good luck! Scott