If you are a recent graduate applying for your first job in your field, research work should always be included on your resume. This is because most new graduates have little or no work experience, so employers must rely on a review of your other experiences in order to determine whether your qualifications would be a good match for their open position.It’s up to you to provide them with enough information to make such a decision. To present yourself in the best possible light, include any independent or group research studies with which you have been involved. These experiences can be as important as work experience, because they often demonstrate that you have some practical experience in your chosen field.Just be sure to provide at least a brief description of the research done, the findings, and your role in the project. If applicable, you might mention any specific skills learned or tools used, or methodologies employed.Extensive research can be presented in a separate section on the resume, but if you have only one or two research studies to mention – such as a senior project, for example, you may simply include them underneath your degree information in the education section.
Should a Graduate Include Research Work on a Resume?
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