Your high school education information should only be included on your resume if you are younger than 20 years old AND have no education or training of any type beyond high school.If you are currently a college student, or have graduated, you may leave your high school off your resume. Replace it with your college data. Even if you haven’t yet graduated, simply list your education like this:
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) – Expected May 2009University of South FloridaHigh school just isn’t that important to employers – especially if you’ve been to college, because if you got into college then you have obviously met the basic requirements for graduating from high school.The only exception might be if the high school you attended was particularly prestigious, and you are applying to employers whom you know to have connections to that high school.If you have not attended any college courses or completed any type of training beyond high school AND you are under the age of 20, then you may include your high school. Once past age 20, however, you should drop the information off your resume, because by then you’ll have gained enough job experience that your high school data will no longer be relevant or important to employers.